Monday, December 23, 2013

Chucky and the Elf Entourage

   Snap! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! We've got nearly all of our orders completed and have only had to make a few revisions this morning. It has been REALLY hectic! There are so many orders this year, Santa will likely have to take a sixth elf with him on the sleigh, as opposed to the typical five that have helped in out in years past. He usually picks the hardest working, most reliable, and least annoying/most entertaining elves (hey - it's a long night! He doesn't want to get stuck with some obnoxious elves carrying on and on about how cool it is to watch water turn into ice and other such nonsense. BORING!)
   Speaking of which, Mintchuckle was one of his helpers two years ago. At that time, she was going by the nickname Chucky. I had lunch with her today at the factory cafeteria and she was telling me all about it, and why she's no longer going by the name Chucky. (You see where this is going, right?) Well, it was exactly two years ago that the announcement was made regarding the elves who were chosen to help Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. As you know, Mintchuckle - er - "Chucky" Sweetcheeks was one of the names on the list (she's always been a popular lady up here, let me tell you!) She had a pretty bad case of laryngitis at the time, but decided to go anyway, since it's such a big honor. On Christmas Eve, Mintchuckle was helping Santa by untying a big package of stocking stuffers and the knot was just un-untie-able (is there a better word for that?) so, "Chucky" went to the kitchen and found a butcher knife to cut the string. Unfortunately, a little girl who lived in the house had snuck downstairs and saw her. The girl was pretty freaked out and nervously asked, "Who are you?!" Lacking the seemingly obvious foresight, Mintchuckle replied, with her raspy voice and raising the butcher knife, "I'm Chucky." As you can imagine, the girl freaked out. Mintchuckle was completely befuddled. It was a total fiasco. Santa Claus was sued and is still paying for this girl's therapy sessions. Mintchuckle felt soooo bad. Santa told her she should probably stop going by Chucky and stick to her full name, Mintchuckle. (I like that name better anyway.)
   Well, I better get back to work. We have to finish loading up the sleigh tonight - Sand Santa hates waiting until the last minute to get that all done. We'll see who gets picked to go on Santa's sleigh tonight. That's always exciting!
Hasta luego,

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