Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Ring a Ding Ding!

   As luck would have it, Mintchuckle and I were both chosen to go with Santa Claus to make Christmas present deliveries tonight! Well, I kind of had a hunch that we would be chosen for the expedition because we were both Outstanding Elves. Pollywog Parsnip was chosen too, as well as a few other elves that I didn't recognize. I think one works as a butler in the Clauses' mansion...
   Anyway, I have a big announcement to make! I am going to propose to Mintchuckle tonight on the sleigh! Woohoo! I went to Kitzerbox Hoogler's last night and picked out a pretty awesome ring. What do you think?
   I hope she likes it! It's a little plain, but...eh. Also, I told her NOT to read the blog today, and she promised she wouldn't, so I think the secret is safe. (You can all keep a secret, right?)
   Anyway, she's probably too busy to get online today because she has to finish a lot of baking for Mrs. Claus's annual Christmas Eve Cookie Party. I, on the other hand, am done for the day. The sleigh was loaded up last night and we just spent the morning cleaning up the shop and taking it easy.
   Tonight is going to be exciting! On so many levels!
   Merry Christmas!

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