Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy Birthday, Doughball Fight, Gangnam Style, and the Outstanding Elf

            Hello again, Readers!
            First of all, before I say anything else, let me give a shout out to a faithful reader named Emily Bowers, who left the first comment ever on this blog! Thanks, Emily, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Let me give you an update on yesterday’s events. First off, remember the gingerbread disaster? Well, the batch of gingerbread dough that Peppersniff Wubblegump contaminated was about to be thrown away when the head baker, Cookie Bingblossom, decided to dump it out on the elf recreational field and have a gingerbread dough food fight. Instead of snowballs, all the elves that came to the event balled up gingerbread dough and let it fly!
Some of us made gingerbread dough “snowmen”. The funnest part was eating the gingerbread men! (Which kind of defeated the purpose, but…whatever.) I had a flashback to “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” – Kalima! Kalimaaa!  (Twisted. I know.)
Everything was going great until the dough got hard. (That’s what happens in 4°F (or -16°C) weather.) So, unfortunately, the “doughball” fight took a terrible turn for the worse and we had to call it quits. (It’s all fun and games until someone gets hit in the face with a frozen ball of gingerbread dough.)
I had to take one of my buddies to North Pole General Hospital ER and he ended up getting four stitches in the back of his head, courtesy of Dr. Picklejinx.  I myself went home with a black eye, which I treated with a big frozen reindeer steak (they’re not all for Santa’s sleigh – hate to break it to you).
In other news, the one suggested name for the fox that I got was “Trudy”, but after some research into human names I discovered that “Trudy” is most commonly a girl’s name! I don’t want to give my little guy a complex…So, I gave him a very common human boy’s name: Quarterpockets. I think it fits him pretty well.
This morning, at our weekly Christmas briefing, Santa Claus came out in dark sunglasses to the song Gangnam Style and proceeded to do the signature dance move center stage for about five minutes – and that is a VERY long time when you are doing ONE dance move. Urgle…You know those times where even though you’re not the one everyone’s staring at, you still feel embarrassed? Yeah…case in point. That song is so 2012! Anyway, he received, of course, a courtesy standing ovation (seems like an oxy moron…) and morale was officially boosted for the meeting that proceeded.
At the meeting, Mintchuckle Sweetcheeks was given the Outstanding Elf award (which is given out at the beginning of all the Christmas briefings, but I have yet to get one!) for saving Mr. Wubblegump.  (I have got to get that girl’s number!)
Finally, today is my last day of practice before the big day. Zoiks! Tomorrow is the Elf Olympics and, as you know, I will be competing in Snowboarding and Skijumping. I have a good feeling about tomorrow! Here’s a picture from the most dangerous ski slope at the resort. Yeah. I did that.
My sister, Jingletoots, is flying in from San Francisco (not all elves live at the North Pole, you know) and will be cheering me on with the rest of my family.
Well, again, thanks for reading. Only 20 days until Christmas! Make sure you stay on the Nice List! You can do it!


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