Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Janet Reno, Dog Show, and Interviews

    Greetings, English-speaking Christmas revelers of the world!
    Well, Santa got some bad news last night. He was not chosen as a contestant on "Dancing With the Stars." Instead, they chose Janet Reno. Sounds like they are going for something different this season - like an appeal to the geriatric viewing audience. "Shuffling With the Stars" or something. I don't know.
    Being that he was not in a good mood, I wasn't able to meet with him this morning about some ideas I have for his Pizza Parlor. I'm thinking a band of animatronic animals that play in a band: a polar bear, a reindeer, and arctic hare, and arctic fox, a yeti. Something like that.
    Speaking of arctic foxes, I took Quartpockets to see Dr. Treacletart again to finish off his shots, and I saw a poster for a Dog Show and I think I might enter him! It's going to be on Dec. 20th, so I will have to do some major prep work.
   After his appointment, we took a walk in the park. I'm kind of an amateur bird watcher, so here we see some Canada geese and some swans. Not sure why or how they ended up here. But that happens from time to time.
 Same goes for this blue jay.
   Well, I better go. I have two positions to fill in the research and development division. I have to interview 12 applicants. They all have engineering degrees, but they vary in experience. I'll let you know how that pans out.

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