Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gingerbread Disaster and an Arctic Fox

Dec. 4, 2013

Well, yesterday was a complete fiasco. The whole candy division was shut down for five hours. FIVE. That really hurt production - big time. What happened was, this one elf, Peppersniff Wubblegump, who previously worked in the reindeer stables and is new to the bakery, fell into a HUGE vat of gingerbread dough.  Everyone was frantic trying to get him out before the mechanized vat tipped over and plopped a big pile of dough onto the conveyer belt, headed for the roller (kind of like a giant rolling pin that flattens the dough). Right after the roller is the giant cookie cutter that cuts thousands of little gingerbread men and then comes the oven that (obviously) bakes them. So, you can see what all the fuss was about. I can just imagine sorting through aaaaaaaaall those cookies looking for Mr. Wubblegump…
            Anyhoo, right before the giant vat raised and tipped out the dough, Mintchuckle Sweetcheeks (a really cute blonde who lives down the street from me) tossed him a safety rope and pulled him out. That was a close one.
Typically, I’m in my office in the doll division during that time, but I had to settle a time-card dispute with Elf Resources, and the office is right next door to the bakery, which is part of the candy division. (So complicated, I know.)
What a mad house that place was. Yeesh. The paramedics came and checked on him and he was fine, but then OSHA showed up and had to do some big investigation and blah blah blah. I’m sure we’ll have to get some more safety training within the next couple weeks just because some elf decided to take a swim in the gingerbread dough. (Haha! Not really, poor guy...)
In other news, last night, after I had finished practicing my ski jumps, taken off my skis, and was about to put on my elf stockings, I noticed a little white ball of fur in one of my snow boots. To my surprise, it was a baby arctic fox! I tried to find out if it was lost, so I could help it find its mom or something, but I don’t know any words in fox-language. I mean, what does the fox say?

Anyway, after looking around for his mother, I decided to keep him for now – and it is a him, I checked with Dr. Treacletart, the vet. I’m still trying to think of a good name for the little guy. (Not Dr. Treacletart - the fox. Dr. Treacletart already has a name.) Let me know if you have any suggestions!


1 comment:

  1. I like it when you add pictures, Fritz. Here's a name for you: Trudy. HA
