Monday, December 2, 2013

Occupy North Pole, Polar Bears, and the Elf Olympics

     We've had a lot of snow so far this year, which has made for some great snow skiing up at Sugar Slopes, the local ski resort. I usually spend my afternoons up there after I get off work. The workload has been picking up ever since mid-November, since Christmas is coming early this year. (Little joke there.) Santa is still pretty good about making sure morale is up, though,  and he makes sure we get enough recreational time. We just have to work extra hard in the mornings to get all our projects finished by the afternoon.
     Speaking of which, our morning has already been extra busy. You see, there were some Occupy North Pole protestors that showed up at the gates of the factory, making a scene. I thought that whole movement died out, but apparently not. (Every so often some enviro group shows up to protest, which always makes me wonder what fossil-fuel vehicle they used to get all the way up here...) They were getting a little out of control, and we were just about to call Elf Security (and I'm thinking, 'Really? What's a three foot tall elf going to do?') but luckily for us (but unluckily for them) the ONP protest correlated precisely with the annual polar bear migration. (Which reminds me, they always tell you not to eat yellow snow, but they never say anything about red snow, and trust me - it should be equally avoided.) At least the enviro groups always have the mind to avoid polar bear season. Oh well.
    In other news, I am looking forward to the Elf Olympics that are happening this Friday. Woot! I'm competing for gold in Snowboarding and Skijumping. (The gold medal is actually a chocolate medal in a gold wrapping, but still - it's a very prestigious award!) Unfortunately, I didn't make the Curling team this year, but that's okay. I'll just have to try again next year I guess.
    Well, children of the English-speaking world, I'd better get back to work so I can get some more practice in today. Make sure you don't end up on the naughty list! Our international elf agents are paying close attention to all of your activities and make their reports daily!
     Until next time,

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