Sunday, December 22, 2013

One Pony Open Sleigh

   This afternoon, after church got out, Mintchuckle and I met up and went for a sleigh ride. My father has a shetland pony named Frankincense (we call him Old Frank) and a sleigh that we use this time of year on special occasions. (Below is a picture of Old Frank last summer.)
   It wasn't too cold outside, but we still had to bundle up pretty well. We had Quarterpockets and Daisy on either side of us and took off toward the north end of North Pole Island (which is kind of arbitrary, since everything is south of the actual north pole - which is designated by a historical landmark sign post with arrows pointing to Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, New York, Cairo, London, Beijing, etc.) where we watched the musk ox herd and the caribou graze out on the tundra. It was a really nice scene. I brought along a thermos of hot chocolate and some croissants in a hot tin box and we had a little picnic of sorts in the sleigh.
   Mintchuckle admitted to reading my blog and was very flattered by the nice things I said about her. Man was I blushing!
   Tonight I'm going to take her to meet my grandmother and the rest of my family. It should be fun!
Tootles, my little macaroni noodles,

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