Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Diversity Training Video, Reindeer Rave, and Dog Show

   So I was right. We all had to go to mandatory diversity training today because Rudolph got teased. (It isn't enough that he has a whole song about himself, and a bronze statue in Mistletoe Park...) Side note: why don't reindeer just fight it out like they did in the old days? Enough with these "reindeer games" - how about some reindeer Hunger Games? ("Oh, you think you're funny - laughing and calling me names, huh? Well, it's payback time!")
   The training included a video that features an elf that is being teased because he has a big nose. Other elves are laughing and calling him Toucan Sam (I don't think it's a stretch to say that this video is basically all about Rudolph and the nosism that he has had to endure for the past few decades).  Then this claymation Snowman walks in and sings a song about how we're all different and how we should try harder to appreciate the things that make us different.
     That was one hour of my life that I'll never get back...Like I said, if everyone was just nice to each other, then we wouldn't have to deal with all this bologna. On the flip side, Rudolph is the only reindeer with a glowing nose, so I can't say I know what it's like to be so different. Perhaps I should be more understanding...
    Oh! So, I think everyone knows that Rudolph's nose glows red whenever he wants it to, but it also glows red whenever he's embarrassed - kind of like elves and humans when we get embarrassed. Poor guy. He used to get teased big time as a little reindeer calf, which only made things worse because that little lightbulb of a nose would just get redder and redder and brighter and brighter. Of course, everything changed on that one foggy Christmas Eve, but I really think he could use it to his advantage at other non-foggy times. Maybe if he could get it to blink like a strobe light, he could throw his own raves. "The Reindeer Rave: Rudolph Nose Best." Clever, huh? I'm here all night folks...
    In other news, I have Quarterpockets registered for he dog show on Friday. I'm feeling pretty good about it! I noticed Miss Sweetcheeks's dog, Daisy, is also on the list of contestants! Perhaps I'll see her there! I need to remember to take Quarterpockets to the groomer tomorrow...
    I can't believe that Christmas Eve is a week away! We are barely on schedule. I may need to put in some overtime this weekend. We'll see.

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