Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Icicles Bursting with Fruit Flavors and Cocoa Puffs

  Once again we had a disaster with a silver lining. The Candy Department is on the third floor of the factory and some time last night, while everyone was asleep, 3 huge vats of colored, fruit-flavored liquid sugar burst, blew out the window, and ran down the roof of the factory. Of course, this was a gigantic mess to clean up, but the bright side is, it created a number of beautiful, delicious icicles that we broke off the gutters and ate. (Hygiene Schmygiene)
   The colored liquids were yellow, red, and blue, so in addition to those primary colors, the mixing produced several different shades of orange, purple, and green. It was an amazing sight!
    Tonight, I'm taking my niece and nephew, Sugarplum and Hooverschniz, to see the movie Frozen!

   I promised them that if they got straight stars on their report cards, I would take them to go see it. For those of you who don't know, Star = A, Christmas Tree = B, Candy Cane = C, Fruitcake = D, Reindeer Dropping = F. Speaking of reindeer droppings, last week when I went to visit them, their 2 year-old brother, Nogginbrooks, brought in a whole handful of what he called "cocoa puffs" that he found out in the snow. I can guarantee you, those are NOT part of a complete breakfast. (yuck)
Anyway, I'm really excited about seeing this movie. Not going to lie.
Take care,

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