Saturday, December 14, 2013

Peppermint Peak and Miss Sweetcheeks.

   Hello, again. Sorry for taking so long to write today. I have been so busy - and it's my day off! Today, Quarterpockets and I went on a hike up to the top of Peppermint Peak, the tallest mountain on North Pole Island. The weather was clear and sunny, but obviously still very cold! Especially at that elevation. Zoiks!
   From the top of the mountain we could see the ski lodge, the factory, the hospital, Santa's mansion, and all the little elf neighborhoods all around. With everything looking do tiny, I felt kind of big, for once!
   We made sure to keep on the lookout for any abominable snowmen. Man, Quarterpockets would get chomped like a little white chiclet! We didn't see any, though.
    On the way down, guess who we ran into? Miss Sweetcheeks herself. She was walking her little white poodle, Daisy. She told me that she heard all about my run-in with the yeti and how I saved the two elves he was trying to shake out of their car, like two little green tic-tacs. (I'm making a lot of candy analogies today. Odd.) My cheeks were rosier than usual, let's just say that.
    After we reached the base of the mountain, I walked her back home. She lives in a big house with three roommates on Egg Nog Ave. It was decked with the most beautiful multi-colored Christmas lights. Very impressive.
     What a swell day. Hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season!
All the best,

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